Charlie Bartlett is a 2007 American comedy-drama movie but I just watched it in 2010 because its aired on Star Movie Asia. This movie is about Charlie Bartlett who have been kicked out from private school then enrolled in public school. He's depressed and taking a prescription drugs but turn to sell the drugs to the student. He became famous and have an office which is a boys restroom. I do like some part of the movie which is he sell a DVD to his schoolmates, contained a fight scene by his friend also including him as a victim. That so funny. There also one other thing, that he dating his principal's daughter. Can you imagine that he actually dating someone's daughter that hates him a lot! I highly recommended this movie to a school rebels or maybe an ordinary high school students, especially public school students and not forget to mention that Robert Downey Jr. looks so fucking hot in this movie. A very hot, good looking principal ( highly recommended for Robert Downey Jr. fans ).
You people have your own right. Watch it and you will know. Its amazing. Trust me.