Forget about the Great Tony Montana. Carlito Brigante is here! Carlito's Way is one of Brian De Palma movies. Scarface was directed by Brian De Palma. I'm quite a big fan of De Palma's movies such as The Untouchable, Scarface and not to forget a very successful horror movie, Carrie. So, Carlito's Way is a 1993 crime movie starring Al Pacino & Sean Penn. The movie based on 1975 era when Carlito ( Al Pacino ) is released from the prison by the help of his best friend and lawyer Kleinfield ( Penn ) . After five years in prison, Carlito changed after the released. He running the club, let the bad guys go ( nobody get whack from him ), retired from the drugs business and get his girlfriend back, start a new life. But his bloody-fool buddy, Kleinfield actually being a gangster since Carlito in joint. So, when he out and owes a life from Kleinfield, everything is turning back. Easy way to say is, Kleinfield was a bad guy and drag Carlito whom on-the-way to be a good guy into the bad life. There's a good scene in these movie that you should see. My heart was so pulsated when I watched the final chasing scene. Finally Carlito dies in other man hand. Not from the guy who chase him. One of the good movie from Brian De Palma and Al Pacino. Credit to Sean Penn who acting very remarkable in these movie and I almost didn't notice that was Sean Penn. He looks totally different.

He looks weird and totally different. Am I right?
Learn to be a gangster from this movie.